it’s all in my head where a sign says “sorry, there’s nothing to regret” – but includes “sorry” – reporting on the futility of being
Poems about life. That is a vague expression. What does that mean?
K-M Skalkenæs uses this tag to describe poems about LIVED life. Scenes from daily life, or descriptions of how something is lived through.
She apologizes for the vague tag. However, it allows her to group together poems that would not otherwise fit under narrower terms, but still share common ground.
How does one live? How can you describe a moment in time? Freeze it. Preserve it.
And what about life as the opposition to death? Death is an event, and therefore easier to write about. Also because it inspires fear, which is easy to describe. But life? What a nebulous term by comparison. How compare? How describe?
These are some attempts.