(not translated – original English) rocky souls on the way, wheresupreme delightis but beautifying sleep –,such is my love that if you are stricken with mortal painbecause of me,it is a thousand times better thanhad you never met me – […]
Gustaf Munch-Petersen: cursed be the victory!
my Belovedcomessailingwith all,that has not yetbeen seen,never yet sensed –the sightof my Beloved’s footmakes mesuperfluous with agitation –now the landingis made, the gangway tightenedto flourish under myBeloved’s foot, allthe dreadful, thatwhich everysoul would recognizeas itself inthe grandeur of gods – […]
Gustaf Munch-Petersen: desert song
in white cloaksin white blindinghoodsknife-sharp ringsaround the necksear-splittingsoul-numbingrattling of chain –stepbystepprisoner-steps dragagainst sand –through whiteblinding hoodsburning eyes seesandsandsand –the human-fear’schains dragheavy trailsin sand – |the human-fear’sridiculous chainskill highwills in sand –in white cloaksin white blindinghood:Prisoners –CHAINS AREMYTHCHAINS ARELIE-SEEDS LINKEDTOGETHER –IN […]
Gustaf Munch-Petersen: white hyacinth
I am risingsmell-mists from acreeping night-flower –violet fogs does notexist by day,wins no faithin the transparency of the day’slife –therefore: comenot in towardsthe spirit-lips of the smell-trumpet’swhisper-mouth –come notnear – what for meis the night’s holygardenwith living airwith a thousand […]