The truth is that I have always had a hard time with my poetry. Not that I didn’t think some of it was good, or that I didn’t enjoy writing it, or that I didn’t want people to read it.
I just didn’t want them to know it was ME who had written it.
It all felt too self-indulgent. Too personal. Too much.
Probably because I myself always felt I was “too much”.
This feeling has come and gone over the years, with the consequence that poems have appeared and disappeared from this website according to how I felt about them at the time.
But no more.
There is no logical reason why I shouldn’t have as much of a voice in this world as everybody else. And I know for a fact that some of my poems have profoundly affected people (because they wrote and told me) and helped them put their own troubles into perspective.
So why hide them?
I am working towards making a final version of the catalogue, that will remain stable for the future.
This may mean that a few of my earliest (and consequently also most tortured) poems may disappear for good. But the vast majority will remain.
Whether or not I will write any new ones in the future is anyone’s guess. I would like to. But my time and energy is limited, as I am very busy with other things.
One thing is certain however: Poetry has been one of my most worthwhile endeavours. Ever. Period.
Thank you all for your support and your patience over the years. It is so so so appreciated.
Here’s to another 10 years of this website! 🎉🎊